zorrilla animal
In this time, i want to tell you about zorrilla animal. Yes, this animal is zorilla. Read more in this article bellow.
At first glance you might think this is a skunk, but in fact, it is a Zorilla. This creature lives in Africa. It is often described as the smelliest animal on the planet because it's stinky scent can be smelled up to a half a mile away. Phew..!
Their smell is so strong, most larger animals avoid them, and about the only time zorillas aren't alone is during mating season. They live mostly in savannahs and grasslands and are nocturnal. They are also called "striped polecats."
Their smell is so strong, most larger animals avoid them, and about the only time zorillas aren't alone is during mating season. They live mostly in savannahs and grasslands and are nocturnal. They are also called "striped polecats."